
Glaucoma is a specific pattern of diseases that damage the optic nerve and cause irreversible blindness. The optic nerve carries the images we see to the brain. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness among older people in the U.S. Sometimes called the "silent thief of sight," glaucoma can affect a person's sight before they realize they have the disease. While there is no known cure, loss of sight is largely preventable if glaucoma is caught and treated early.

In the news

November 4, 2024

Become a part of the Spokane Eye Clinic team!

Spokane Eye Clinic is a community of people dedicated to the care of people from around the region and their vision. Start a rewarding new career with Spokane Eye Clinic and discover the joys of helping others see the same beautiful world you do! Check out our current openings on our website.

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October 14, 2024

Costume Contact Lenses are All Trick and No Treat

Halloween is on Tuesday, and our experts warn that wearing non-prescription colored contacts isn't worth the risk.

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